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Tianjin Health Sci-Tech Co., Ltd.
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Tianjin, China
Produk utama: Bor ortopedi, gergaji ortopedi, sistem pemanasan pasien
Nomor Peringkat2 waktu respons cepat dalam Instrumen Bedah OrtopedisR&D capabilitiesDesign-based customizationFull customizationGlobal export expertise

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This supplier has been verified onsite by world-leading inspection company,
SGS Group
Terverifikasi di lokasi dengan dunia perusahaan inspeksi, SGS Group


Tianjin Health Sci-Tech Co.,Ltd. is one of the largest CE and ISO13485 approved professional manufacturers and exporters of surgical orthopedic products, located in Tianjin, China. Founded in 2005, the factory insists on making high-quality standard surgical power tools, veterinary orthopedic drill, veterinary orthopedic implants and applying instruments for vet surgeries, arthroscopy implants, arthroscopic instruments and equipment and providing professional after-sale service to distributor medical equipment and worldwide customers.